Date(s) - 05/09/2017
10:30 am - 4:30 pm
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Fair Districts PA is holding a Lobby Day on May 9. This is not a demonstration, but rather a personal visit to your legislators’ Harrisburg office to ask for their support of an impartial, transparent redistricting process as outlined in SB 22. Constituents will be coming from all across the state to participate.
The Lobby Day event is being planned around a press conference being called by the sponsors of SB 22. The current schedule is:
10:30 AM – Fair Districts PA members gather at the rotunda steps
11:00 AM – Press Conference Begins
12:00 PM – Fair Districts PA Lunch Break (if possible – details being arranged)
1:00 PM to 4:00 PM – Fair Districts PA members meeting with legislators
If you are available to visit your local legislator in their Harrisburg office on the afternoon of May 9th, please fill out this form:
We’ll use the information you send us to connect you with other volunteers in your area. We’re asking folks to attend in small groups, no more than 5 constituents per legislator. We’ll ask you to make a group appointment with your legislator and arrange a carpool – but we’re happy to provide guidance if you need it!
If you can’t make the trip to Harrisburg but you’d still like to participate, please tell us via the same form:
Just like the Harrisburg visits, we’ll use the information to connect you with other volunteers in your district and ask you to schedule a group appointment with staffers at your local district office. Ideally small groups will meet with staffers at district offices on the same day that groups are meeting in Harrisburg. We are trying to let our legislators know in a big way, that we want them to support SB 22. We aren’t asking you to debate the points of the bill, but to ask your legislator to support our guiding principles. Training for legislative visits and more information will be available ahead of time.
Thank you for your support. Chester County is leading the state in working towards reform!
Jan Johnson, Legislative Advocacy
Kate Young, Chester County Lead