Recap of ICC Member Meeting on September 26, 2017
On 26 September 2017, at our first official ICC Monthly Meeting we discussed the future direction of ICC. The discussion centered on two main topics: first, whether ICC should be a Movement or an Organization, and second, the need for more people to lead and...
2017 Chester County Election Blog: What’s on my Ballot? Part 2
This section of the Election Blog: What’s on my Ballot? discusses the Constitutional Amendment on the ballot. Just vote no!
2017 Chester County Election Blog: What’s on my Ballot? Part 1
Welcome to the 2017 Chester County Election Blog, Part 1. Learn about your ballot.
Defending DACA and Dreamers
On September 5, 2017, the Trump administration announced that it will end DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) in six months time. DACA is a program put in place by President Obama to protect Dreamers (children of undocumented immigrants) from deportation....
ICC September Members Meeting
As ICC has grown, we have both the opportunity and the challenge to affect change right here in Chester County. So far this year, we have held rallies that had the effect of "helping" Ryan Costello change his healthcare vote from yea to nay. Our members raised over...
Confederate Myths in Chester County Schools
As students go back to school around Chester County, they may be returning to classrooms where they’ll be taught myths about the US Civil War, symbols of the Confederacy, and the very reason the Southern states seceded from the Union. At least one Chester County...
Did You Eat Today?
Did you eat today?
Some of your neighbors did not.
Why ICC?
As I write this, the second Senate vote has just gone down in flames. I wanted to write a piece about what comes next and what to do….I also wanted to write about how we respond to the potential upcoming firing of Robert Mueller and the AG possibilities during the Senate break…. but as I started writing, an email popped up on my screen from the Secretary of the Chester County Democratic Party (CCDC) and I knew the most important topic for today is “Why ICC?”
Economic Resistance – Grab Your Wallet
By an ICC Research Committee member. #GrabYourWallet is a boycott against Trump family businesses and retailers who sell or have ties to Trump products. It was started by Shannon Coulter in response to the Access Hollywood video of Donald Trump boasting about...
Are We Having A Constitutional Crisis?
By Tommy Richards, Ph.d Are we having a constitutional crisis? This question has been asked and answered to the point of exhaustion over the past several weeks, prompted by the series of back-to-back-to-back-(-to-back?’s getting hard to keep track) scandals...