Reflections on the year that was…
A year ago, Indivisible Chester County did not exist. Today, we are almost 2,800 strong. A year ago, many of our members were angry, frightened, weaning off a month of Xanax, unsure what to do, unsure of how.... And now we have close to a year of successes. As the...
Action Item for Sunday December 10, 2017
DEMAND PROTECTION OF OUR NATIONAL MONUMENTS On Monday, December 4th, Trump traveled to Utah to announce the reduction of two National Monuments in the state: Bear’s Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante. Combined, the reduction removes two million acres of land from the...
Action Items for 12/9/2017
Action Items for December 7, 2017
1) Call TODAY to protect Mueller. 2) If Mueller does get fired be ready to act.
Action Items for December 7, 2017
ACTION ITEMS for Thursday December 7, 2017 STOP FINAL PASSAGE OF THE GOP TAX SCAM BILL! This is not over. Call and call again! Call this office: Ryan A. Costello R-PA 202-225-4315 Local office numbers: 610-376-7630 610-696-2982
Action Items for December 6, 2017
OPPOSE OVERRIDING RESTRICTIONS ON CONCEALED CARRY - HOUSE VOTE TODAY. CALL NOW!!!! Update (12/1): HR 38 is scheduled to be brought to the House floor for a final vote on Wednesday, December 6th. Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) and his fellow Republicans have proposed the...
Today’s Action Item December 5, 2017
Thank those Senators who pledged to vote NO on any CR that doesn’t include a clean Dream Act. And contact those who have not yet committed.
Elections, Thanksgiving and Next Steps
Analysis of the election returns countywide for the General Election, and where we go from here.
2017 Chester County Election Blog: What’s on my Ballot? Part 3
This post describes how I’m filling out my personal ballot, and why. The 2017 ballot in Chester County is two pages, so remember to fill out both pages!
In (Partial) Defense of Politicians and the Democratic Party
By Tommy Richards, Ph.d For Indivisible Chester County and its allies going into the 2018 elections, the main enemy is not Donald Trump or other Republican elected officials, nor is it gerrymandering and voter ID laws. Rather, the main enemy is a pernicious...