Where the Rubber Meets the Road

Dear Fellow Members of Indivisible Chester County – Next Monday night, we’re holding an event to teach canvassing. After, we’re asking the attendees to canvass their blocks the weekend of April 9th and 10th. Not all weekend, just 1 – 2 hours...

Healthcare: Next Steps

We had our day of glee over the abject failure of the GOP. And let’s recap: they had SEVEN YEARS to come up with a replacement and chose not to. It’s critical to understand why they didn’t, because it affects what we do moving forward. The Republicans never developed...

ACTION ITEMS for Saturday March 25, 2017

“I remain convinced, that the next big act, whatever those mobilized Americans decide to do next, is similarly going to blow everybody away in terms of what supposedly inevitable thing they stop from happening.” -Rachel Maddow, March 24, 2017 1) Celebrate....

ACTION ITEMS for FRIDAY March 24, 2017

1)TWEET! Apparently the phones are off the hook at Costello’s offices, and rumor has it he’s “leaning” towards a NO vote, so let’s take to TWITTER to help him to choose wisely on this morning’s vote. #SavetheACA...