Indivisible Chester County is pleased to announce that our organization will be endorsing candidates for the 2018 General Election. The process is that all full ICC members can vote for the candidates running in their district. 

To be able to participate, one must:

  • Be a member of the ICC website located at on or before 14 July 2018
  • Be a registered voter in Chester County as of 14 July 2018, or registered in a District that is partially in Chesco
  • Have provided a valid street address and a working email address as part of the website registration

Ballots will be emailed on 15 July 2018, and must be postmarked by 25 July 2018.

Each ballot will have the candidates for: Governor and Lt. Governor, Senate, Congress, State Senate (if applicable) and State Representative.

You can mark your selection from the primary winners, or write in a choice of your own. Party designations will accompany the candidates. At the time of this writing, there are no known third party candidates with ballot access.

After marking your ballot, place it in a sealed, #10 envelope and place that envelope in an outside envelope which has your name and return address in the upper left hand corner. Send the ballot to:

Indivisible Chester County
PO Box 36
Spring City, PA 19475

This is the same process utilized by Chester County Voter Services, and insures that your vote is counted, and that your vote is private.

Votes will be counted by the ICC Leadership team at their meeting on 30 July 2018. To win, a candidate must receive a minimum of 50.1% of the votes. Please email if you would like to attend the count.

Results will be announced on 1 August 2018 via our website.