As ICC has grown, we have both the opportunity and the challenge to affect change right here in Chester County. So far this year, we have held rallies that had the effect of “helping” Ryan Costello change his healthcare vote from yea to nay. Our members raised over $1,400, which was donated to the Chester County Food Bank. We engaged people to run for office, and we have worked on multiple candidate campaigns up and down the 2017 ballot.  We have held trainings on political activism, political event planning, and canvassing. We have registered voters. Every day since January, we have posted Action Items to help people affect change.

Where do we go from here? That depends on what members want to do, and what they are willing to do. And that’s what this meeting is all about – determining a path forward to help us meet our mission of making our opinions known to our elected officials, working to get progressives elected, and peacefully exercising our First Amendment rights.

We are now a large organization – and from the discussions on our website and Facebook page, we know that people have many different interests. So we’re getting together to find out not only what people are interested in, but what they are willing to do to participate. We already know that we need people to be Block Captains, to help plan events, to staff voter registration drives, and to support candidates. We need for members to become more active!

Please come join us on 26 September 2017, 7 p.m. in Keene Hall in the Tredyffrin Township Building, 1100 Duportail Road, Berwyn, PA 19312.

At the insistence of the township that owns the building: No Food or Drinks.

Questions? email