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Date(s) - 07/21/2017
11:30 am - 1:00 pm

Representative Ryan Costello's West Chester Office

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Hosted by Concerned Constituent Action Group

THIS WEEK’S FOCUS: Trumpcare Makes Us Sick

There is a near desperate effort in Congress, currently in the Senate, to repeal ACA and pass “BCRA” –aka “Trumpcare” –at the cost of healthcare to over 20 million Americans, despite only 14% approval by voters.

We will be calling attention to this threat this week in our rallies outside Congressman Costello’s offices.

Politicians are bent on getting a political ” win” –buying the vote of some senators with special provisions, and using this need for a legislative win to fundamentally change Medicaid, an important safety net for the elderly poor, disabled Americans and working lower middle class Americans. They want to appease senators on both ends of the political spectrum by creating TWO health care programs: one for them and other wealthy people; and one for everyone ” underneath” them.

There has been no effort to work with Democrats to repair the popular ACA healthcare legislation to serve the broader needs of the public.

Healthcare in America can be made better and more affordable. But the Senate bill is not the answer. Need proof? The Senate exempts itself from the new bill!!! The bill specifically calls for members of Congress to retain the full package of ” essential health benefits”. But it allows insurers to sell every other American a substandard policy.

We cannot accept this remarkable hypocrisy. We cannot permit the dismantling of our medical safety net. We will not accept a $ 770 Billion cut to the safety net that helps more Americans than any other health plan. We will not return to the days of medical bankruptcy for families where people with pre-existing conditions live.

Ideas for signs:
Trumpcare is Like Trump University, Except you DIE
No Senate Health Care lies!
Congress wants you to have less coverage
Fix don’t nix the ACA
Healthcare before a wall!
My family needs protection too

Look for us at the corner of Market and High. We will protest outside as a large group; then rotate into the office in small groups to speak with staff and deliver letters, if permitted.

If you cannot attend, email your letter to us at contact@ccag-d6.com and we will hand deliver it for you.

*We would like to remind all participants to be calm and polite with staff members. That being said, these encounters are a two way street. If you personally experience issues with the staff (feeling intimidated or belittled) report to Claire at the event or contact us at: contact@ccag-d6.com

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