Update (12/1): HR 38 is scheduled to be brought to the House floor for a final vote on Wednesday, December 6th.
Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) and his fellow Republicans have proposed the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017, a pair of bills introduced to the House and the Senate. These bills would require that citizens who are allowed to carry concealed weapons in their home states be allowed to carry their weapons in every other state. Under this legislation, residents of states that do not require concealed carry permits could travel to any other state and carry their concealed weapon without any permit. Law enforcement organizations, including the Law Enforcement Coalition for Common Sense, have opposed concealed carry reciprocity, noting that it would make it nearly impossible for police to confirm if a person with a concealed weapon is carrying the weapon legally. Additionally, Sen. Cornyn’s law would allow gun owners to sue police for even attempting to verify the status of their permits, according to The Trace and Everytown for Gun Safety.
Thirty-nine states require gun safety training for any concealed carry permit applicant, at least 30 states ban convicted domestic abusers from having gun permits, and 28 states bar convicted stalkers from having permits. Under the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act, these popular common-sense gun control measures would be invalidated. Permitless concealed carry would become legal in every state. Republicans claim to respect state-level legislation, yet this is a blatant attempt to use federal law to contravene states’ gun control measures.
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Ryan A. Costello R-PA